Does Africa have 2000 languages?
Africa is home to an estimated 1000 to 2000 languages spread across the continent. A map showcasing some of the major languages of Africa by country.Africa is a continent rich with language diversity. There are over 3,000 languages spoken in Africa, many of which have roots to the major language families: Afro-Asianic includes Arabic ancestrally native to East and North Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula.The 800 to 1,000 languages spoken in Africa today can be grouped into four families, or groups of languages thought to have common origins—Hamito-Semitic, or Afro-Asiatic, Niger-Congo-Kordofanian, Nilo-Saharan, and Khoisan.

Which African country has 200 languages : With 520 languages, Nigeria accounted for around a fourth of the total languages spoken in Africa. Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo followed, each with over 200 living languages.

What are the 7000 languages

7000 Languages is a non-profit that helps Indigenous communities around the world teach, learn and sustain their languages through technology. We create free online language-learning courses in partnership with Indigenous, minority, and refugee communities so they can keep their languages alive.

What is the 1 language in Africa : The most spoken language in Africa is Swahili which is said to have between 100 and 150 million speakers. Known as a 'Bantu' language, Swahili apparently originated from other languages like Arabic.


With more than 200 million people, Nigeria is Africa's most populous country and its largest democracy. With more than 300 ethnic groups, over 500 languages, and many distinct religious and regional differences, it's also one of the world's most culturally diverse countries.

Papua New Guinea has the largest number of languages in the world.

Are there more than 7000 languages

Although there are currently more than 7,000 languages, more than half of the world's population speak 23 of them only.With more than 200 million people, Nigeria is Africa's most populous country and its largest democracy. With more than 300 ethnic groups, over 500 languages, and many distinct religious and regional differences, it's also one of the world's most culturally diverse countries.Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse country in the world, with approximately 840 languages used, more than twice as many as the entire continent of Europe. Nearly 94 languages are spoken per one million inhabitants across the country's islands.

Now a study asserts that the common root of the 144 so-called Indo-European languages, which include English and nearly all the languages spoken in Europe and on the Indian subcontinent, was spoken more than 8000 years ago by Neolithic farmers in Anatolia, in central Turkey.

What African country speaks over 500 languages : Nigeria

Nigeria alone has over 500 languages (according to SIL Ethnologue), one of the greatest concentrations of linguistic diversity in the world.

Is Afrikaans a dying language : According to the projections that we've made, by 2041 you're going to have 7.1 million Afrikaans speakers. So, there is clear growth. It's not much growth, but it is growing. It's definitely not shrinking."

Are there 5000 languages

Yet if you search the web for the number of living languages you will find estimates ranging from 5,000 to 8,000, with 7,000 the most frequent round number.

There are about 6000 languages in the world, but only about 150-200 languages are spoken by more than 1,000,000 people. Linguists estimate that there are between 5,000 and 6,700 languages spoken around the world.The Briefing

  • Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse country in the world, with approximately 840 different languages spoken across the islands.
  • In second place, Indonesia has around 711 different languages. Only 20% of the population speaks the national language of Bahasa Indonesian at home.

Was English spoken 5000 years ago : English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages and is therefore related to most other languages spoken in Europe and western Asia from Iceland to India. The parent tongue, called Proto-Indo-European, was spoken about 5,000 years ago by nomads believed to have roamed the southeast European plains.