How many languages are in Africa?
With anywhere between 1000 and 2000 languages, Africa is home to approximately one-third of the world's languages.The most widely spoken languages in Africa are:

  • 1st place: Swahili.
  • 2nd place: Arabic.
  • 3rd place: French.
  • 4th place: Hausa.
  • 5th place: Yoruba and Oromo.
  • Frequently asked questions and answers about African languages.


Nigeria alone has over 500 languages (according to SIL Ethnologue), one of the greatest concentrations of linguistic diversity in the world.

Are more than 800 languages spoken in Africa : The 800 to 1,000 languages spoken in Africa today can be grouped into four families, or groups of languages thought to have common origins—Hamito-Semitic, or Afro-Asiatic, Niger-Congo-Kordofanian, Nilo-Saharan, and Khoisan.

What are the 7000 languages

7000 Languages is a non-profit that helps Indigenous communities around the world teach, learn and sustain their languages through technology. We create free online language-learning courses in partnership with Indigenous, minority, and refugee communities so they can keep their languages alive.

Which African country has 200 languages : With 520 languages, Nigeria accounted for around a fourth of the total languages spoken in Africa. Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo followed, each with over 200 living languages.

1. SWAHILI. The most spoken language in Africa is Swahili which is said to have between 100 and 150 million speakers. Known as a 'Bantu' language, Swahili apparently originated from other languages like Arabic.

With more than 2,000 distinct languages, Africa has a third of the world's languages with less than a seventh of the world's population. By comparison, Europe, which has about an eighth of the world's population, has only about 300 languages. Africa's linguistic diversity can even be found among individual Africans.

Are there more than 2000 recognized languages in Africa

More than 2000 languages are spoken on the African continent, all different in their own way. This diversity has given rise to many different cultural norms and practices that are unique to each country, and many different dialects or languages may even be spoken within the same country.Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse country in the world, with approximately 840 languages used, more than twice as many as the entire continent of Europe. Nearly 94 languages are spoken per one million inhabitants across the country's islands.Now a study asserts that the common root of the 144 so-called Indo-European languages, which include English and nearly all the languages spoken in Europe and on the Indian subcontinent, was spoken more than 8000 years ago by Neolithic farmers in Anatolia, in central Turkey.

The most spoken language in Africa is Swahili which is said to have between 100 and 150 million speakers. Known as a 'Bantu' language, Swahili apparently originated from other languages like Arabic.

What are the 3 major African languages : Top 10 Most Popular African Languages

  • SWAHILI. The most spoken language in Africa is Swahili which is said to have between 100 and 150 million speakers.
  • AMHARIC. Amharic is one of the main languages spoken in Ethiopia by over 20 million speakers.
  • OROMO.
  • Hausa.
  • IGBO.
  • ZULU.
  • SHONA.

What is #1 language : 1. Chinese — 1.3 Billion Native Speakers. Numbers vary widely — Ethnologue puts the number of native speakers at 1.3 billion native speakers, roughly 900 million of whom speak Mandarin — but there's no doubt it's the most spoken language in the world.

Do they speak French in Africa

French is a global language, spoken by 300 million people around the world. Africa, a region of strategic global importance, is home to the largest number of French speakers. French is the sole official language in 11 African countries and the second official language in an additional 10 countries in Africa.

Ancient Egyptian

Ancient Egyptian:

Egyptian is still in use today as the Coptic Church's liturgical language. The reason why this is thought to be the oldest vernacular of Africa is that its complete written sentence, which was discovered, dates back to 2690 BC.One of the reasons for the continent's rich linguistic diversity is simply down to time – people in Africa have had more time to develop languages than peoples elsewhere in the world. But the development of Africa's languages is also due to cultural and political factors.

What country has only 1 official language : Officially recognized languages are often mistaken for official languages. According to the online reference Wikipedia, half the countries of the world have official languages. Some have only one official language, such as Albania, France, Germany and Lithuania.