What is Indonesia food diet?
Indonesian traditional meals usually consists of steamed rice as staple, surrounded by vegetables and soup and meat or fish side dishes. In a typical family meal, the family members gather around the table filled with steamed rice and several other dishes.If you are visiting Indonesia, make sure you don't miss a chance to taste these 12 delicious cuisines!

  • 1 | Nasi Goreng. Nasi Goreng means Fried Rice.
  • 2 | Sate.
  • 3 | Soto. Another food that can be found in almost every place in Indonesia is Soto or Soup.
  • 4 | Gado-gado.
  • 5 | Rendang.
  • 6 | Bakso.
  • 7 | Mie Ayam.
  • 8 | Batagor.

Knives are a rarity, a fork and a spoon will be used, but it's very common to use your right bare hand to eat. For this reason Indonesian dishes many times are served warm, but not hot.

What is Indonesia’s national dish : Then we have ketchup which is a sweet aromatic soy sauce. And is the main flavor component of this dish. And a touch of sesame oil to finish.

Is Indonesia a vegetarian

A survey on the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle conducted in Indonesia in 2022 found that the majority of respondents from both gender were vegetarians. Additionally, the proportion of females adhering to a vegan lifestyle was higher than that of males, with 20 percent and eight percent, respectively.

Is Indonesia a vegetarian country : Indonesia is one of the easiest countries to be vegetarian. Because it was originaly a principal Hindu country (converted by force to Islam) and the Hindu traditions have maintained most common dishes in the country to be vegetarian.

Recognized as Indonesia's all time favorite dish, Nasi Goreng or Fried rice is a meal that can be taken any time; for breakfast, lunch or even dinner.

Indonesia is known for its diverse tourist attractions. The country has an endless list of wonderful tourist places, from beaches and volcanoes to temples and museums. You can visit Mount Rinjani, Kuta Beach, Campuhan Ridge Walk, Sanur Beach, Saraswati, Borobudur temples, and much more.

What time do they eat dinner in Indonesia

However, if the school/office begin at 7:30 or 8:00, then we'd have our breakfast somewhere between 6:45 – 7:30. And normally we have our dinner somewhere between 18:00 – 20:00 when the sun has just set.Considered Indonesia's national dish, nasi goreng is a fried rice with sweet, thick soy sauce and acar, pickled cucumber and carrots. One of Indonesia's favorite comfort foods, soto is a traditional meat soup comprises of ingredients that vary across the country.This happens because of ingrained habits, starting from birth, he has eaten rice, then the environment around him also eats rice. So instinctively, Indonesian people's motivation for rice is very high, compared to other staple foods. Indonesian people's perception of staple food is already embedded in rice.

Which Country is 100% Non Vegetarian As per our findings, there's no country where 100% of the population is non-vegetarian. However, some countries have a higher consumption of meat because of cultural or religious factors, i.e., China, Brazil, and the USA, among others.

Do Indonesians eat beef : Beef is an important food in Indonesian culture and traditional cuisine, although consumption is relatively low compared to fish/seafood and broiler chicken.

Which country is most vegan : 10 Most Vegan-Friendly Countries In The World

  • India. India's cuisine is known for its vibrant colours and rich spices, making it an excellent option for those following a vegan diet.
  • United Kingdom.
  • Ethiopia.
  • Australia.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Germany.
  • Indonesia.
  • Taiwan.

What is the most eaten fruit in Indonesia

As of March 2023, bananas are the most common types of fruit consumed by Indonesians, amounting to around 0.11 kilograms per week. Indonesia is one of the leading producers of fresh fruit worldwide.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day hence the locals need something appetizing and fulfilling to prepare for a busy day. Heavy breakfast helps prevent hunger pangs and provides more energy for the body to function at it's best.The economy of Indonesia is a mixed economy with dirigiste characteristics, and it is one of the emerging market economies in the world and the largest in Southeast Asia. As an upper-middle income country and member of the G20, Indonesia is classified as a newly industrialized country.

Is Indonesia richer than Pakistan : Table below compares major economic indicators for Indonesia and Pakistan, both countries have the same GDP growth rate (around 5%), unemployment (4%), and inflation (4%). However, Pakistan's economy, with a GDP of USD 304.95 billion, is one-third Indonesia's.