What is the hardest tooth to get a root canal on?
The most difficult maxillary teeth for endodontic treatment are the maxillary first molars (MFM) due to their complex root canal anatomy.Incisor root canals are generally easier than molar procedures because of their simpler shape and fewer root canals. Incisors typically have only one or two root canals, making them much easier to access for the dentist.Permanent maxillary second molars (MSMs) are the most difficult teeth to treat endodontically because of their complex root canal system. Most MSMs have 3 roots with 3 root canals; however, variations in the root canal configuration and in the number of roots are common.

What teeth have the deepest roots : All canines and premolars (EXCEPT maxillary first premolars) and mandibular incisors are likely to have deeper distal surface root depressions.

When do most root canals fail

Root canals fail when all of the bacteria is not removed during the actual root canal or reenters the tooth after the root canal has been performed. Common reasons for root canal failure: The removal of all bacteria inside the damaged tooth was not properly removed.

Why do most root canals fail : The usual factors which can be attributed to endodontic failure are: Persistence of bacteria (intra-canal and extra-canal) Inadequate filling of the canal (canals that are poorly cleaned and obturated) Overextensions of root filling materials.

That is when the dentist will likely recommend a root canal. However, if the tooth is too damaged to save, the dentist might recommend an extraction.

According to the American Association of Endodontists, patients who choose root canal treatment are six times more likely to describe it as painless than patients who opt for tooth extraction. After a root canal, the tooth and the surrounding area may feel sensitive for a few days.

Which part of a root canal hurts the most

The most painful part of a root canal is often the severe discomfort your tooth causes before treatment. And infections and damaged nerves can affect not only the injured tooth but the gums, tissue, and even bone surrounding it.For both males and females, the highest mean R/C ratio was for maxillary canine (1.91) and for mandibular second premolar (2.0) while the lowest R/C ratio was for maxillary first molar (1.64) and for mandibular central incisor (1.59).All teeth are covered with same enamel. But, molars are much larger and broad, and have thicker coating of enamel. So, they are strongest.

The canines have a single long root and a single root canal. The canine roots are the longest root of all teeth. Furthermore, the upper canines have longer roots when compared to the mandibular canines.

Do all root canals eventually fail : Only a small number of root canals fail. The procedure has a success rate of 86% to 98%, which means only 2-14% fail. We find that a large majority of our patients do not have any trouble with their root canals. The low failure rate speaks to the overall effectiveness of this treatment method.

Are root canals bad for your heart : Price's faulty research implicated root canals as a cause of heart disease and other illnesses, the exact opposite is true. Untreated dental conditions such as root canal infection can introduce bacteria to the bloodstream, allowing it to travel to all parts of the body and raising the risk for a variety of diseases.

Why do people hate root canals so much

Many people avoid having root canals due to rumors that the procedure will be painful or out of fear of complications from the procedure. Root canal treatments may have been painful decades ago but with modern dental technology and anesthetics, the procedure is only about as painful as having a filling placed.

It's too late for a root canal when the tooth's structure is severely compromised, often evidenced by advanced decay, extensive infection, or significant damage to the pulp. X-rays and clinical evaluation help determine the extent of damage.However, if a tooth is severely damaged, your dentist may not be able to save it. In these cases, they will normally recommend that the tooth be removed. Dentists may recommend removal in the following circumstances: Dental injury resulting in a cracked or fractured tooth or root.

Can I just pull a tooth instead of root canal : Root canal therapy is recommended when teeth can be saved with treatment, while an extraction is performed when the tooth's structure is too damaged, or a crack goes beneath the gum's surface, not leaving enough structure for stability or use after the repair.