Why use JWT instead of token?
Benefits of Using JWT Tokens

Stateless Authentication: JWTs are self-contained and carry all the necessary information, which eliminates the need for a server-side session store. Scalability: Being stateless, JWTs are easily scalable across multiple servers as there's no need to share session data.The token is stored on the server-side and used to authenticate subsequent requests from the same user. In contrast, client-side authentication using JWT involves issuing a signed token to the client upon successful login, which is then stored on the client-side and sent back to the server with each subsequent request.JWT is usually signed to protect against data manipulation or alteration. With this, the data can be easily read or decoded. So, you can't include sensitive information such as the user's record or any identifier because the data is not encrypted.

Why use JWT instead of session : JWTs are ideal for stateless, distributed systems with a focus on scalability and single sign-on, while session-based approaches are more appropriate for applications that prioritise server-side control, robust session management, and sensitive data protection.

What are the disadvantages of JWT token

One of the most significant weaknesses of JWTs is their lack of encryption. JWTs are designed to be compact and self-contained, which means that the data within them is not encrypted. While they can be signed to ensure data integrity, sensitive information within a JWT remains exposed in plaintext.

What are some pros and cons of JWT : Pros And Cons of JWTs

  • JWTs expire at specific intervals. When a JWT is created it is given a specific expiration instant.
  • JWTs are signed. Since JWTs are cryptographically signed, they require a cryptographic algorithm to verify.
  • JWTs aren't easily revocable.
  • JWTs have exploits.
  • Sessions as an Alternative.

Information exchange: JWTs are a good way of securely transmitting information between parties because they can be signed, which means you can be certain that the senders are who they say they are.

JWTs can be used as OAuth 2.0 Bearer Tokens to encode all relevant parts of an access token into the access token itself instead of having to store them in a database.

Is JWT obsolete

The JWT app type will be completely deprecated as of June 2023. New and current users have 12 months to migrate their JWT based solutions to the Server-to-Server OAuth app type. Action recommended: Create Server-to-Server OAuth app types to replace existing JWT app types.Once a JWT is issued, there is no straightforward way to invalidate it before its expiration time. This can pose a problem if a user logs out or if their privileges need to be revoked due to a security concern. To address this weakness, developers must implement additional mechanisms for token revocation.One of the most significant weaknesses of JWTs is their lack of encryption. JWTs are designed to be compact and self-contained, which means that the data within them is not encrypted. While they can be signed to ensure data integrity, sensitive information within a JWT remains exposed in plaintext.

Typically, the API key provides only application-level security, giving every user the same access; whereas the JWT token provides user-level access. A JWT token can contain information like its expiration date and a user identifier to determine the rights of the user across the entire ecosystem.

What is the disadvantage of JWT : JWTs are typically used to represent user sessions and access tokens, and they often have a predefined expiration time. While this is a useful feature, it can be a weakness when it comes to revoking access. Once a JWT is issued, there is no straightforward way to invalidate it before its expiration time.

What are the weaknesses of JWT : Six threats to JWTs

  • Allowing the server to use a token without validation.
  • Using the same private key for different applications.
  • Using a weak signing algorithm.
  • Choosing a short and/or low-entropy private key.
  • Keeping sensitive data in a JWT's payload.
  • Confusing the keys.

What are the disadvantages of JWT

Disadvantages of JWT Authentication:

Limited Token Expiry Control: Once issued, JWTs remain valid until they expire. Revoking a JWT before expiration requires additional complexity, such as token blacklisting. Security Risks: If the secret key used to sign JWTs is compromised, attackers can create forged tokens.

So why is JWT dangerous for user authentication The biggest problem with JWT is the token revoke problem. Since it continues to work until it expires, the server has no easy way to revoke it. Below are some use cases that'd make this dangerous.Six threats to JWTs

  • Allowing the server to use a token without validation.
  • Using the same private key for different applications.
  • Using a weak signing algorithm.
  • Choosing a short and/or low-entropy private key.
  • Keeping sensitive data in a JWT's payload.
  • Confusing the keys.

What are the downsides of using JWT for authentication : One of the most significant weaknesses of JWTs is their lack of encryption. JWTs are designed to be compact and self-contained, which means that the data within them is not encrypted. While they can be signed to ensure data integrity, sensitive information within a JWT remains exposed in plaintext.