Why use MongoDB over Postgres?
MongoDB is a non-relational or NoSQL database with a flexible data model. You can store all types of data as JSON documents for fast retrieval, replication, and analysis. In contrast, PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system that you can use to store data as tables with rows and columns.Using MongoDB enables your team to go further and faster when developing software applications that handle data of all sorts in a scalable way. MongoDB is an excellent choice if you need to: Support rapid iterative development. Enable collaboration of a large number of teams.MongoDB provides the facility of deep query because it supports a powerful dynamic query on documents. It is very easy to scale. It uses internal memory for storing working sets and this is the reason of its fast access.

Is MongoDB or Postgres cheaper : Cost: Depending on your use case, using MongoDB can be more costly than using PostgreSQL. This is because MongoDB requires additional functionality such as replication, sharding, and data validation.

Which to use MongoDB vs PostgreSQL

Thus, MongoDB is quite useful in cases where you want to store documents within a flexible data field. While PostgreSQL uses the GROUP_BY function to process and run aggregate queries MongoDB typically uses aggregation pipelines to process its queries.

Why MongoDB is the best NoSQL database : NoSQL databases have been designed for easy horizontal scaling without the need for specialized third-party components. MongoDB, for example, supports sharding out of the box. Whether you need to support hundreds of users or hundreds of millions of users, a NoSQL database can scale seamlessly.

Another one of the major limitations of MongoDB is the duplication of data. The limitation makes it difficult to handle data sets as the relations are not defined well. Eventually, the duplication of data may lead to corruption as it is not ACID compliant.

Duplicate Data: MongoDB can suffer from duplicate data, making it difficult to manage your data efficiently. High Memory Usage: MongoDB demands high memory usage, which requires extra attention to keep under control. This is due to the memory inefficiency of duplicate data and the limited ability to implement joins.

Is MongoDB faster than PostgreSQL

If an operation involves different entities, MongoDB is usually faster because data is de-normalized and doesn't require costly joins between tables. On the other hand, Postgres is more capable of handling complex queries thanks to SQL and its sophisticated query optimizer.The database platform provider for developers said it anticipates a drop of $80 million in revenue because of multiyear licenses and unused commitments it doesn't expect to realize this year. MongoDB also said it plans to incur higher labor costs as it hires more workers.However, PostgreSQL is not as fast as MongoDB, as it's a relational database that stores data in rows and columns.

While MySQL is known for its simplicity, PostgreSQL adds advanced features, versatility, and flexibility to projects. On the other hand, NoSQL databases are good at handling unstructured or semi-structured data – which works well for real-time analytics and IoT applications.

Which database is better than Postgres : On the other hand, MySQL uses a single process for multiple users. As a result, MySQL database outperforms PostgreSQL for applications that mainly read and display data to users.

Why we prefer MongoDB instead of MySQL : MongoDB does not have a schema, providing more flexibility and allowing it to work with unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data. MySQL has a rigid schema that works well with structured data. MongoDB uses Kerberos, X. 509, and LDAP certificates to authenticate users.

Why do people use MongoDB

MongoDB can be used as a file storage system which is known as a GridFS. MongoDB provides the different ways to perform aggregation operations on the data like aggregation pipeline, map reduce or single objective aggregation commands. MongoDB can store any type of file which can be any size without effecting our stack.

Disadvantages of MongoDB

Some drawbacks are: Limited Transactions Scope: In MongoDB, transactions work within each piece of data (called a document), but they don't fully cover situations where you need to do multiple things at once across lots of data.Duplicate Data: MongoDB can suffer from duplicate data, making it difficult to manage your data efficiently. High Memory Usage: MongoDB demands high memory usage, which requires extra attention to keep under control. This is due to the memory inefficiency of duplicate data and the limited ability to implement joins.

Why people don t use MongoDB : To sum up: MongoDB does not guarantee data integrity in any scenario, since it lacks relations. You are able to add some level of consistency by using multi-document transactions and application-level checks.